You are about to submit your candidacy for the Free Party of Canada for the September 20, 2021 election. First of all, thank you! The clock is ticking as we must file the list of confirmed candidates for our party no later than Sunday, August 29, 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). Each candidate must file their nomination papers with all signatures obtained by Monday, August 30th at 2:00 PM EST. Please note that to be in good standing, you need 100 legible and valid signatures. We have automated a system to guide you very quickly and all this can be done in less than 24 hours if:
1- You are personally very organized and computer savvy, or you're really autonomous;
2- If you have people near you who can support you in this process.
Ideally, we will need your cell phone number to send and receive text messages (sms). We are playing with the future of our country with this election and we take the selection of our candidates very seriously. You mustbe a person with a good heart, have as a priority the future of our children, the protection of our planet, the elevation of the consciousness and finally have a desire to give back the individual freedom to all the people of our country. Our values are the following: respect, transparency, return to direct democracy, putting the value of the human being and making technology serve the human being and not the opposite. We want to give back individual sovereignty to all the individuals who make up our society in a new model of governance based on mutual aid and happiness. If you agree to submit your application click on the link below and be available for an interview-call in the next / minutes / hours.